Page 152 - Foundations
P. 152

There is the fallen man. He finds his correspondence to the earth after sin. Everything is formless,
               void, and covered in darkness.

               We then see redeemed man, those who are new creations in Christ. This new creation man finds his
               correspondence to the earth that has been created anew in Genesis 1:3 and following. It is the earth
               we now live on, and the condition of this man is observed in those who have been born again of the
               Spirit of Christ and have become partakers of the divine nature. Nevertheless, these ones find that sin
               still dwells in their flesh. Death is still at work in the physical body.

               Finally, we see the glorified man who has laid aside the body made of dust and has received a new
               immortal and incorruptible body. This man finds his correspondence in the new earth that will appear
               after this present earth is consumed in fire. It is an earth without seas, without death, without sin. All
               is radiant, glorious, righteous and holy.

               At this time, there is only one man who has arrived at this final, glorious state. That man is Yahshua
               the Messiah. He has passed through death into life. Death no longer has any hold over Him. He is
               never to die again. The apostle Paul refers to Christ as “the last Adam” and the last earth serves as
               a symbol of His glorious condition. This glorified condition is also the promised future condition of
               those who have been born again of the Spirit of Christ, and who are putting the flesh to death.

               I John 3:2-3
               Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that,
               when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him just as He is. And everyone who
               has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

               How then do we complete the divine numerical pattern by identifying seven distinct divisions of the
               earth’s existence? Kenneth F. McKinley, in his book Scanning the Plan, breaks down the three
               creations of the earth into seven subsidiary states.

               (1) Original Earth
               “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This earth was created prior
               to sin’s appearance. Satan had not yet fallen, and the heavens and earth were at peace.

               (2) Chaotic Earth
               “But the earth became formless and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Genesis 1:2).
               This is the earth after the fall of Satan. The length of time which the earth lay under this judgment is
               not known. Being sealed in darkness, this was likely a period in which the earth was covered in ice,
               corresponding with evidence of an ancient ice age.
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