Page 149 - Foundations
P. 149
If, and only if, one adopts the ruin/restoration doctrine of Genesis do we find that the earth conforms
to the divine pattern we have observed where that which Yahweh creates is stamped with the numbers
one, three, and seven. Following are the three creations of the earth as set forth in the Scriptures.
The First Earth
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
This is the first earth which was created before the fall of Satan. It is the earth of the dinosaurs and
other pre-Adamic creatures. This earth was destroyed when Satan rebelled and was cast down. This
first earth suffered catastrophic judgment, becoming formless, void, and covered in darkness.
The Second Earth
The second earth is the one we now live on. Its creation, or rather “restoration,” began in Genesis 1:3
as Yahweh said “Let there be light.” With this declaration God began to remove the curse upon the
original earth and to fashion things anew, culminating in the creation of Adam on day six. This
present earth will be destroyed by fire, as the apostle Peter prophesied.
II Peter 3:7, 10
But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of
judgment and destruction of ungodly men... But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which
the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the
earth and its works will be burned up.
The Third Earth
Revelation 21:1
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth passed away,
and there is no longer any sea.
There is a parallel in these three earths to mankind that I would draw the reader’s attention unto. In
a sense, the first two earths were a single entity, for the first earth that was judged by God was not
annihilated, or done away with. It was merely made formless, void and covered in darkness. Yet, the
third earth is a completely new earth, and in a true sense it can also be called the second true earth,
and the last earth.
I find in this a remarkable parallel to Adam and his descendants, and to “the last Adam” who is
Christ. Like the first earth, Adam was created blameless. However, Adam rebelled against God, fell
into sin, and suffered judgment. The condition of the first earth under judgment bears a remarkable
likeness to Adam and his descendants under judgment. Adam was created to bear the likeness and
image of God, but this likeness was lost and no longer attainable after Adam sinned. In this regard,
Adam became formless, having lost the form of God. There was no man born of Adam who could
say, “If you have seen me you have seen God.” The first man to be able to speak these words in truth
was Christ. He alone had the form of God.
Adam was also void. That is to say, he was empty. Mankind was created to be a temple of the Holy