Page 104 - Foundations
P. 104

of judgment is fast approaching. Seeing that his time is shortened, Satan’s vehemence is stirred to a
               greater  rebellion  against  Yahweh,  and  his  wrath  is  directed  toward  those  who  are  servants  of

               Revelation 12:12, 17
               Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing
               that he has only a short time... And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make
               war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of

               Do we not see in the governments of this world that the righteous are oppressed? Even in America,
               there is a growing antipathy toward those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the
               testimony of Yahshua. We are seeing Christian business owners characterized as bigots, and haters,
               because  they  agree  with  God  that  marriage  is  to  be  between  a  man  and  a  woman  and  that
               homosexuality is sin. Similarly, those who defend life in the womb are labeled as radicals and placed
               on government watch lists.

               Most Christians are blind to the ruling power behind the wicked policies of human governments.
               Many in America see nothing beyond the man who sits in the White House. They do not perceive that
               this man is the chosen servant of Satan, for it is Satan who gives the nations of the world to those
               whom he pleases.

               Revelation 13:2
               And the dragon (Satan, the devil) gave him his power and his throne and great authority.

               In the series Dragon Flood it was shown that America was founded by men under the inspiration of
               Lucifer. These men were predominantly Freemasons. The Headquarters of the American Revolution
               was the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, owned by Freemasons. A Masonic lodge occupied the upper
               story of this building. The men who planned and carried out The Boston Tea Party were members of
               St. Andrew’s Lodge of Freemasonry which met at the Green Dragon.
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