Page 100 - Foundations
P. 100
Hebrews 2:14
That through death he might destroy him having the power of death - that is, the devil...
Satan continues to yield the power of death in this world, and by it he keeps multitudes in bondage
through fear of death. The Christian’s victory is NOT that Satan can no longer touch his/her life, for
Satan has killed untold millions of Christ’s disciples who ended their lives as martyrs. Our victory
is that we no longer have any need to fear death. The apostle Paul declared in another place:
Philippians 1:21-24
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful
labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having
the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is
more necessary for your sake.
The Christian who has lived their life in obedience to God, pursuing a course of righteousness in this
world, has nothing to fear in death. Indeed, the person who has lived their life as an overcomer in
Christ has much to look forward to.
Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory
that is to be revealed in us.
In Hebrews 2:14, where it speaks of Satan having the power of death, the Greek word translated as
“power” is “kratos.” E.W. Bullinger, in The Companion Study Bible, defines “kratos” in the following
Kratos=strength (as exerted); power put forth with effect, and in government: from which we have
the English [word] theocracy, government by God; aristocracy, government by the best; democracy,
government by the people.
The “cracy” portion of each of these English words is derived from the Greek “kratos.” We see in
each of these words there is a relationship to government and authority. Satan has the governmental
authority of death on this planet. I do not say that he has authority of “life and death,” for Satan is not