Page 166 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 166

and ambitions of our soul must be subjugated to the will of the Father. We must walk
               according to the leading of the Spirit, not according to the natural course of this world.
                     All those who do so will certainly be considered odd. They will be met with many
               reproaches. In the hour when their commitment to obedience is producing in their being
               the greatest sacrifice, they will find the world, and a worldly church, casting condemnation
               at them. If they hurled insults at the Son of God as He was offering Himself as a sacrifice
               in obedience to His Father, will they not do so with all those who follow in His steps?
                     In closing the letter I communicated to this sister yesterday, I wrote the following:

                            I have been thinking recently whether we truly have a proper mindset in regard
                       to suffering. We are Christ, for we are a part of His body. Yahweh has appointed a
                       cup of suffering that Christ must drink. Yahshua drank the largest portion of it, and
                       then He has presented the cup to the rest of His body. Most have chosen to not drink
                       from the cup at all. Yet a remnant have acquiesced. Some have sipped at it, trying to
                       only get a taste, but no more than they had to. It has been a mere remnant among
                       the remnant that has had the mind to drink fully that the sufferings of Christ might
                       be brought to completion and that they might set an example for others.
                            Are we not brought to a quicker death if we drink deeply? Christ's sufferings were
                       intense, but short lived. Others have seemed to smolder like a wick all their lives.
                       Their sufferings have never burst into flame, but Yahshua is so gracious that He will
                       not even extinguish a smoldering wick. They will have to smolder a long time,
                       however, before the work of purification is accomplished in their life.
                            Consider that the three Israelites who were cast into the furnace heated seven
                       times hotter than usual. They were in the furnace but a moment, and even then the
                       visible Son of God was present with them. The more intense our trials, the greater
                       the manifestation of the Lord we will be met with. He is near to the brokenhearted,
                       to the sorrowful, to those suffering for righteousness sake.
                            So be encouraged sister. Suffer well with me as we embrace the cross God has
                       appointed unto us. And thanks for asking about my welfare!

                     Back in February of this year I was led by the Spirit to leave the mission after three
               years of service. The Lord has indicated that I am to prepare for a ministry of teaching. I
               believe I will be traveling and the Lord will provide open doors of opportunity. Yet even in
               this time of preparation the trials continue. I still find that I must die daily. The message the
               Lord has given me to proclaim is the message of the cross.
                     I am no glutton for punishment. However, I realize that suffering is appointed to us
               in this time. My great hope is that I might not resist this work, but that I might willingly
               drink deeply from the cup of suffering presented to me. This willingness is of itself a
               triumph, for it goes against the inclinations of the natural man. It is choosing identification
               with Christ above self-preservation.
                     I expect the trials will continue even as the Lord sends me out on the road. Yet I look
               to the Lord to walk with me through every trial. Nothing can separate us from the love of
               Christ. Let us encourage one another with these words.
                     May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.
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