Page 165 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 165
God did not remove this reproach from Joseph until the day he was brought into Pharaoh’s
presence and made second ruler in the land. It is also appointed to the sons of God in this
age to suffer many things. God is seeking to bring forth a humble, forgiving spirit in His
sons. He wants them to die to the opinions of men that they might live only for His opinion,
His judgment.
Yahshua, the firstborn Son of God, learned much from the things He suffered as well.
He heard the crowds cry out “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Just a short while later these same people were crying out, “Crucify him!” God must bring
all of His sons to a place where the opinions of men no longer move them. They must
recognize that both the praise and condemnation of man are without weight. All that really
matters is what God thinks.
At the same time, being subject to persecution, unjust accusation and the enmity of
men and women provides the child of God with an opportunity to die to all offense that
arises from their soul. As they clothe themselves with Christ they can cry out, “Father,
forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” This has been the confession the Spirit
has brought forth from my mouth time and again as offense has been added to offense. Ours
is not a ministry of condemnation, but of forgiveness and reconciliation.
John 3:17
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world
should be saved through Him.
Matthew 18:34-35
“And his lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should
repay all that was owed him. So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, if each of
you does not forgive his brother from your heart."
It is a true statement that declares, “by the judgment you have judged others, you shall
be judged.” Those who are merciful shall obtain mercy. When we are reviled we are to speak
a blessing in return. How can we do these things if there is no one to revile us, to speak evil
of us, and to unjustly accuse us? If they did these things to the Lord of glory, how much
more will they do so to those who are His disciples?
II Timothy 3:12
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Yahshua will suffer persecution.
My trials did not end with these things. For two years I labored at a menial job at a
thrift store. Had I chosen to do so I could have returned to the computer field and made a
large salary, but this was not the Father’s will. Instead I was called to toil at a thankless job
that was fraught with many difficulties. It would have done me no good to say, “But Lord,
I can do so much more. I remember the days of heady success when I worked as a computer
professional. I made a good salary and had money to spend upon many things. I remember
the years I worked in ministry, writing books and teaching your children.” We must submit
to whatever the Lord chooses for us. He alone knows what is necessary for our perfecting
as sons.
If we will surrender to the direction of the Lord in all things, we will find that He
brings us into circumstances where it is necessary that we die daily. The desires, thoughts,