Page 28 - Dragon Flood
P. 28

a  large  part  Freemasons,  and  most  of  the  remnant  Deists  who  embraced  the  empty
               philosophy of The Enlightenment, could establish a political system that was based upon
               truth and righteousness? Is it possible that men who “have together become unprofitable,”
               who “with their tongues practice deceit,” and “the poison of asps is under their tongues,”
               men “whose feet are swift to shed blood,” with “destruction and misery” being in their ways,
               could establish a governmental system that is so amenable, harmonious, and compatible
               with the Kingdom of God that churches throughout the land would display the American
               flag alongside a flag representing the rule of Christ?

               Is it not more probable that Satan, the great deceiver who deceives the whole world, has
               hoodwinked Christians in America into believing that theirs is a “Christian nation” whose
               founding fathers were guided by the hand of the God of the Bible? Paul begins the passage
               above by making reference to “Jews and Greeks.” What you may not yet have perceived is
               that the founders of America held two diverse perspectives that are traceable to the Jews
               and the Greeks. In another place the apostle Paul states:

               I Corinthians 1:22-23
               For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified,
               to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness...

               We  have  observed  that  Thomas  Jefferson,  John  Adams,  and  others  had  embraced
               Enlightenment philosophy. This is a manifestation of a Greek mindset. The Jewish mindset
               is manifested among Freemasonry which is traceable back to the Kaballah. Kaballah is a
               body of esoteric teaching that embraces the ancient Babylonian Mystery Religion, having
               combined it with a corrupted form of Judaism. It is a merging of Old Testament thoughts
               and images with the pagan and profane practices of Babylon. The author of Kaballah is none
               other than Satan. He has ensnared millions with a promise of attaining godhood through
               the perfection of the human state by becoming an adept in the secrets of ancient wisdom.

               The influence of Kaballah and things Jewish, is unmistakable in Freemasonry. In every
               lodge in Christian lands there is an altar with a Bible laid upon it. This Bible is ONLY
               opened  to  the  Old  Testament.  It  is  NEVER  opened  to  the  New  Testament.  Although
               Freemasonry makes myriads of references to people, places and events in the Bible, they
               are exclusively that which is found in the Old Testament. Solomon, Hiram, Moses, and
               many other characters from the Old Testament hold a place in Masonic ritual and teaching,
               yet the true character and acts of these people are perverted and distorted through the
               addition of lies and deception.

               For a number of years Yahweh led me to live in the city of Macon, Georgia. Macon is the
               French word for “Mason.” Macon, Georgia is a Masonic city. It was founded by Freemasons
               who clearly understood what the name of their city meant in the French language. There
               is a historical marker downtown that makes mention of the famous French Mason, the
               Marquis De La Fayette visiting the city soon after it was founded.
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