Page 110 - Dragon Flood
P. 110

common laborers, were overwhelmingly opposed to the Constitution. The rural areas voted
               against the Constitution. It was the cities where the merchants, bankers, shippers, and other
               men of wealth congregated that voted in favor of the Constitution.

               In this chapter I am building a bridge to what follows. It has been my intent to demonstrate
               that there has always been a ruling elite in the nation. They are guided by an unseen hand.
               The government follows a course that is steered by what Manly Hall refers to as “the Order
               of the Illumined.”

               As the nation has grown in population, and the middle class has burgeoned, new methods
               had to be developed to insure the continuance of the rule of America’s aristocracy. The chief
               tool has been deception. This should not be surprising when one considers what has been
               set forth thus far in this series. A nation whose founding fathers were Freemasons, deists,
               disciples of the Enlightenment, and members of groups such as the Hellfire Club, who
               formed counsels in the Green Dragon Tavern, and adopted the image of a serpent as an
               emblem of their rebellion, may disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, but the
               truth will come out in the end.

               II Corinthians 11:14-15
               No  wonder,  for  even  Satan  disguises  himself  as  an  angel  of  light.  Therefore  it  is  not
               surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end
               will be according to their deeds.
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