Page 115 - Dragon Flood
P. 115

The Bible reveals that Satan and his disciples are intrinsically violent. He comes to “kill,
               steal, and destroy.” What the men of the American revolution could not achieve with guns
               and bullets, they accomplished by confiscating (stealing) the possessions of those opposed
               to them, or destroying their possessions and livelihood as they did in burning many homes
               and businesses to the ground. The Boston Tea Party was but the initial act of theft and
               destruction in the campaign to create a new Luciferian nation.

               The Bible also describes Satan as “the great deceiver who deceives the whole world.” What
               we have experienced, particularly since the advent of radio and television, is a change in
               practice. Satan and his disciples must still control public opinion, but rather than do it
               through violent suppression, confiscation of goods, imprisonment, and even killing, they
               have pursued a policy of cunning deception poured out as a flood through the various
               media.  Media  ownership  has  been  concentrated  into  the  hands  of  a  small  group  of
               corporations who inundate the population with a cunningly designed world view.

               These  two  principle  methods,  violence  and  deception,  have  been  utilized  throughout
               America’s  history  to  guide  and  direct  the  populace  to  perform  the  will  of  an  elite.
               Freemasonry is itself a deceptive organization. The men of the Blue Lodges, those at the
               lower levels, are intentionally misled as to the true meaning of the various Masonic symbols
               and rites. Understanding that America was birthed by men under this Luciferian influence,
               would they reasonably have created a government that operates by a different principle? Is
               it not logical to conclude that deception would be an integral part of the government’s
               policy even as it is the policy of Freemasonry?

               The historical evidence that free speech and thought has never actually been an aim of the
               government is overwhelming. I will cite a few pertinent examples. The actions of Congress
               to control the press through the Sedition Act of 1798 were mild when compared to the
               policy carried out by the administration of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

               A tremendous mythology has grown up around Lincoln. However, like so many other
               figures from American history, the true tale of this man’s character, motives, and actions
               has been deftly manipulated to serve the ends of those who find value in doing so. Even as
               public school students are not taught about the role Freemasonry played in the American
               Revolution, so too are a great many very important facts relating to the Lincoln Presidency
               passed over.

               Abraham Lincoln was a shrewd politician. He understood the power of the press. During
               the Civil War he stated, “no man, whether he be private citizen or president of the United
               States, can successfully carry on a controversy with a great newspaper, and escape
               destruction, unless he owns a newspaper equally great, with a circulation in the same

               The largest ethnic group in America are Germans. There are approximately fifty million
               Americans of at least partial German ancestry in the United States today. This equates to
               17% of the U.S. population. Lincoln came from the American Midwest where there was a
               particularly large concentration of Americans of German ancestry. At the time Lincoln was
               running for President it is estimated that there were 700,000 Germans living in the United
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