Page 117 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 117

extended act of ritual magic. The fact is not overlooked that the rabbis in the Talmud state that the
               Sabbath candles should be lit 18 minutes before sunset, the number 18 being 6+6+6.

               There  is  a  direct  relationship  between  the  presence  of  the  candles  and  the  sex  act.  William
               Schnoebelen draws out the relationship as he comments on the relationship between Freemasonry and

               9. Both [Freemasonry and Witchcraft] have a ceremonial un-hoodwinking of the candidate, following
               the oath, before lighted candles which is intended to bring "illumination..."

               A. Both Witches and Masons revere the powers of human reproduction (albeit most Masons do so
               unknowingly). The most obvious example of this is the use of the ceremonial Masonic apron, which
               covers the "Holy of Holies" of Freemasonry, the male groin area...

               B. The authorities of Freemasonry, most notably Albert Pike, 33° and Manly P. Hall, 33° (both
               occultists  par  excellance)  write  that  the  essential,  underlying  philosophy  of  Freemasonry  is
               Kabbalism  and  Gnosticism.  Kabbalism  is  a  system  of  Jewish  mysticism  and  magic  and  is  the
               foundational element in modern Witchcraft.

               Virtually all of the great Witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists. Gnosticism is an
               ancient, anti-Christian heresy best summarized by the statement: "One is saved by acquiring secret,
               unknown knowledge (Greek: gnosis)." Thus, all mystery religions, including Witchcraft and Masonry
               are, per force, Gnostic in character.

               C. Both Witches and Freemasons seek salvation through "illumination" or receiving "The Light."

               Illumination and reproduction are significant themes of Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Wicca, and other
               occult practices. The candle represents the illumination that Lucifer, the Light Bringer, bequeaths to
               mankind. He is the Greek god Prometheus bringing the fire of divine knowledge to mankind. He
               seeks to be worshiped as a great benefactor to humanity who has been unjustly and cruelly punished
               by the God of heaven and earth.

               The letter G at the center of the Masonic symbol stands for both the Generative act of reproduction,
               and for Gnosis, or the impartation of knowledge. Not surprisingly, the rabbis laid emphasis on both
               sex  and  illumination  as  they  set  forth  the  rituals  to  be  observed  on  the  Jewish  Sabbath,  for
               Freemasonry is merely another manifestation of Hebrew Kabbalah. One of the most revered of the
               Jewish rabbis (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria) is referred to as “The Ari.” He is known as “the father of
               contemporary Kabbalah.” Following is the meaning of the candle as attributed to him. Although the
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