Page 120 - Attractive Deception - The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement
P. 120

The Imitation of Error

               I am oftentimes made aware that a person writing to me has come under the influence of the false
               teachings and practices of the Hebrew Roots movement when I observe them referring to Yahweh
               as “G_d,” or “L_rd.” The omission of the vowel renders the word unpronounceable, which is the very
               purpose for writing in this manner. The rationale behind this behavior is the errant idea among the
               Jewish rabbis that Yahweh’s name is so holy that it should never be uttered by the lips of unholy men
               and women. Yahweh’s name is indeed holy, and it should only be used in a faithful manner, but our
               heavenly Father never intended for His sons and daughters to remove His name from their lips.

               It is senseless to extrapolate this behavior out to include all words which are a reference to Yahweh,
               especially those words which are not names at all, but which are merely titles or pronouns. Such
               words are already substitutes, and not the actual name of the Creator. The words God and Lord are
               not names. They are titles describing a position, or role. The practice of omitting the vowels from
               these generic titles is absurd. There is absolutely no precedent within the divinely inspired Scriptures
               for avoiding the pronunciation of the name Yahweh, and certainly none for removing the vowels from
               titles and pronouns that are a reference to Yahweh or His Son Yahshua.

               When I observe Christians mindlessly imitating the behavior of apostate Jewish rabbis who have
               rejected Yahshua as their Messiah, I marvel, wondering what errors of the rabbis they will not imitate.
               To follow the behavior and traditions of men without testing them against the Spirit and the Word
               of God is not wisdom. It is little wonder that these same individuals embrace other errors associated
               with  apostate  Judaism  such  as  celebrating  Hanukkah,  wearing  the  kippah  or  tallit,  adorning
               themselves, their homes, or churches with the Luciferian symbol falsely called the Star of David, or
               mimicking the Sabbath candle-burning rituals which are a form of witchcraft.

               If you are one who has been guilty of doing such things and are now having your eyes opened to see
               the error present in these actions, my intent is not to shame you. Rather, I would have you consider
               how you arrived at these actions. Did you abandon the discipline all disciples of Christ should
               manifest by failing to test carefully the doctrines, symbols, rites, and holidays that other men and
               women were introducing you to?

               Perhaps you were a child and your parents raised you up under the influence of the spiritual error
               embraced by many Messianic and Hebrew Roots congregations. Or perhaps you were unsaved and
               were introduced  to  Christ  by  someone who was a  member of  one of these groups. I  can well
               understand how such an individual might innocently be introduced to error. What I am finding,
               however, is that the majority of individuals embracing the errors of the Hebrew Roots movement
               which I have been setting forth in this book, have done so as adults after being professing Christians
               for many years. Where is their exercise of discernment? Where is their testing of the doctrines and
               practices they are encountering?
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