Page 53 - The Gate and the Way
P. 53

Isaiah 42:19-20
                       Who is blind but My servant, or so deaf as My messenger whom I send? Who is so
                       blind as he that is at peace with Me, or so blind as the servant of Yahweh? You have
                       seen many things, but you do not observe them; Your ears are open, but none hears.

                     How can millions of Christians go to their churches week after week and listen to the
               Scriptures read, while remaining oblivious to this pattern that Yahweh has established?
               How can they believe teachers of myths and fables who assure them that they can walk a
               broad path of prosperity, ease, and comfort now, and be assured all the glories of heaven
               in the ages to come? Are they not willingly deceived, for such falsehood appeals greatly to
               the soul of man?
                     Christ has done a marvelous thing. He has made a way for mankind to pass out of
               death and to obtain to the divine life He shares with His Father. He did not provide an easy
               path, but He said it would be worth it to follow in His steps. None who ever submit to follow
               Christ by taking up their cross will ever declare at the end of the road that the way was too
               hard, or too difficult. Instead, the testimony of the saints will be, “Is that all I had to suffer?
               Is there no more? The reward is far too great, and I am unworthy.” Then the saints will cast
               their crowns at the feet of Christ, for He alone is worthy to obtain all glory, power and
               honor. What tremendous grace is manifested that Yahshua would share these things with
                     Yet, Christ asks one thing. If you would be a sharer in His glory, He would ask you to
               first share with Him in His suffering. He invites you and I to take up our cross and follow

                       Romans 8:16-17
                       The  Spirit  Himself  testifies  with  our  spirit  that  we  are  children  of  God,  and  if
                       children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer
                       with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.

                     Is this too much for Christ to ask? He would invite us to partake of momentary, light
               afflictions that we might be brought to maturity spiritually, becoming fit to share in His
               power and authority for the ages to come.

                       II Timothy 2:12
                       If we endure, we will also reign with Him...

                     If you have spent much time in the Christian religious system of this day, no doubt you
               have not heard a message such as this. Is it not surprising how very many Scriptures there
               are that proclaim this message, yet they are unobserved by the church today?
                     Yahweh has a plan for your life. He has a path He would invite you to walk, even as
               He had one for His firstborn Son. He has revealed that it is an afflicted path, but He
               promises to walk with you the entire way. He declares that nothing will ever separate you
               from His love, not even death. It is up to you and I to choose whether we will accept the
               script Yahweh has written for our lives, or whether we will refuse it and write our own.
                     Christ has said that there are few who find the path to life, while vast hordes are on
               the broad path that leads to destruction. Which way will you choose? The end of the path
               through this present life will be arrived at very quickly for each of us. Then we will see
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