Page 47 - SABBATH
P. 47

to be manifested. Satan’s temptation to turn the stones into bread was akin to the sin of the
               Israelites. Satan was in effect saying to Yahshua, “You haven’t eaten for forty days. It is not
               reasonable that you should be deprived of food. It is a small thing for you to speak to these
               stones and turn them into bread. Why don’t you do so?”
                     Yahshua,  however,  saw  the  heart  of  the  matter.  To  fail  to  wait  on  the  Father’s
               provision was no different than the murmuring and complaining Israelites saying that they
               were not cared for by Yahweh. It was an issue of trust as well as an issue of being content
               with the will of the Father. If Yahshua had turned the stones to bread He would have
               demonstrated that He was not content to await the provision of Yahweh. He would be
               declaring that Yahweh’s will for Him in this matter was not acceptable.
                     Yahshua did not respond as did the Israelites, however. Instead He rebuked Satan
               with the words, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that
               proceeds out of the mouth of God'" (Matthew 4:4). Yahshua understood that true life is
               found in being in harmony with the will of Yahweh. If it was Yahweh’s will for Yahshua to
               wait yet a little longer to be fed, then this was the essence of true life. Life would not be
               improved by feeding the desires of the flesh. Life would not be any fuller, richer, or vibrant
               by satisfying the longings of the flesh. The only true life is found in being in complete
               agreement with the will of God.
                     When the Israelites came to this same test they failed it. The Father also led them into
               the wilderness and He allowed them to become hungry. Would they look at all of the signs
               and miracles they had witnessed and proclaim, “I know the Father must have a perfect
               provision for us in this matter. He has shown His concern for us over and over. How can we
               doubt Him now? We will await His provision with patience and thanksgiving.”
                     This would have been an appropriate response, and one that would have found favor
               with Yahweh. Why did they not respond in this manner? It was because they did not want
               to have to suffer any inconvenience to the flesh. They had been taken out of bondage in
               Egypt, but they were still in bondage to the fleshpots of Egypt. They still lived to satisfy the
               carnal desires of their fleshly nature.
                     Seeking the will of Yahweh was not their aim and desire; satisfying their flesh was.
               Moses revealed to the Israelites that they were led to these tests to expose what was in their

                       Deuteronomy 8:3
                       "And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did
                       not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man
                       does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the
                       mouth of Yahweh.”

                     Moses was declaring that the true essence of life is to know the will of Yahweh (that
               which proceeds out of His mouth) and to fulfill His desire and His will. It was this passage
               that Yahshua quoted when He was tempted. Yahshua knew the purpose of the wilderness
               testing, both for the Israelites and for Himself. Where they failed, He succeeded. He did not
               allow Himself to entertain any thoughts of dissatisfaction with Yahweh’s will for His life.
                     This is the message of the manna. Yahweh has a plan and desires for each one of His
               children. Will we be satisfied with His will for us? Will we be content to know His will and
               walk in obedience whether our flesh must suffer, or not? Will we resort to murmuring and
               complaining as the Israelites did? Will we be tempted to alter Yahweh’s provision and plan
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