Page 140 - Push Back
P. 140


               These testimonies reveal the powerful influence that society has upon the church. It is hard to
               conceive of a more important event in the life of a woman than giving birth to children. Yet, in
               this matter the church follows the pattern of the world, and the counsel of medical practitioners.
               Birthing children is often done for the convenience of the doctors involved, rather than with the
               health of the mother and baby in mind. Women are “scheduled” to be induced to begin labor at a
               time when it is most convenient for a doctor and medical staff. The woman is placed flat on her
               back with her legs in the stirrups so that she will be positioned for the obstetrician’s convenience.
               There are numerous natural birthing positions for the woman, but they are not as convenient for
                                                       the attending physician.

               Some Natural Birth Positions

               One website relates the following information.

               It amazes me everyday to see and hear about women who lay flat on their back while giving

               Sadly, though it’s not their fault – it’s what they’re TOLD TO DO! Seriously, it goes against
               basic anatomy!!! …

               You see our birth canal is actually shaped like a “J” … not a straight line... The baby doesn’t
               just slide straight down and out. It comes down, then up and over the pelvis.
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