Page 16 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 16

Network of Deception

               The image above of a globe formed of points of light is taken from a scientific report published by
               systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The points of
               light represent 1,318 transnational corporations (TNCs) which form the core of the world economy.
               Strongly Connected Components (corporations) are depicted as red lights, while very connected
               companies are yellow. The size of the dot represents revenue.

               In the journal PLOS One, the report titled The Network of Global Corporate Control was published
               on October 26, 2011. This scholarly article has proven to be a boon to “truthers” who have long
               asserted that there is a cabal of global financiers and industrialists who constitute an invisible
               government which dictates the policies of nations, controls the global economy, foments wars, and
               is responsible for a myriad of deceptions foisted upon mankind, including numerous false flag events
               such as 911, the London subway bombings, the Boston Marathon bombings, etc.. The men and
               women who control these transnational corporations are able to get away with their heinous atrocities
               and acts of deception due to the fact that they also control the global media. This gives them control
               over the news narrative. They also control a majority of politicians and government officials,
               providing them with immunity from any prosecution.

               I am going to cite sections of this landmark study published in 2011, for although the corporate
               landscape appears different today than it did in the 1960s and 1970s, the situation present today also
               existed during the years in which the Apollo Moon missions were conducted. There has long been
               an interlinking network of corporate entities which constitute an unseen hand that rules over the
               affairs of nations. These corporations are experiencing a continual merging into a smaller number
               of colossal super-corporations, but the network has been present for centuries.

               It is important that Christians see the world as it really is, not as it is portrayed by the media, public
               and private education systems, educational textbooks, and the government. The journal PLOS ONE
               features reports of original research from all disciplines within science and medicine. They are an
               independent, peer-reviewed journal for scholarly research. Excerpts from the article they published
               appear below.
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