Page 102 - Gods Plan of the Ages
P. 102
but also for those of the whole world.
There are many Christians today who are like James and John. Although they may be
zealous for Christ, they do not recognize the character of the Spirit of Christ. James and
John had been raised under the Law. The Law is a manslayer. It is understandable that
having been raised under the Law they might view God's wrath as predominant.
Today Christians have received the gospel (good news) of Christ. We have in full view
before us the mercy of God. Yahweh did not spare His own Son, but freely gave Him up for
us all. We see Christ as the merciful covering who has laid down His life that all men might
be saved. We transgress greatly if we commit the same error of judgment as James and
John, enlarging upon the wrath of God, desiring to strike the people with blows that God
does not intend. Yahweh will cast no man or angel into eternal fire. Those who teach such
things do not know the Spirit to whom they belong.
There must be balance in all things. We are called to rightly divide the word of truth.
The wrath of God is very real. Many Christians will experience the wrath of Yahweh right
along with His adversaries.
Hebrews 10:26-27
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer
remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery
indignation which will devour the adversaries.
At the same time we must acknowledge that the wrath of God is not eternal. Yahweh's
greatest attribute is not wrath, it is love.
I John 4:8
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Throughout Scripture fire is employed as a symbol of God's judgment. Fire is a
purifying agent. In the Greek language, the words for fire and pure both derive from the
same root. Fire is the greatest cleansing agent upon the earth. If you want something
cleansed of impurity, then subject it to the fire.
It is easy to see the similarity between our English words pure and pyre. The word
pyre is defined as "a heap of combustible material, especially one for the ritual cremation
of a corpse." How does one get rid of a dead body? The quickest and most complete way is
to cremate it, subjecting the corpse to the flames. This is what Yahweh must accomplish for
all mankind. All men born of Adam are dead men walking. Paul testified that "In my flesh
dwells no good thing." Sin dwells in the flesh. The flesh must therefore be consumed.
Whether one readily acknowledges Christ as Savior, or has not yet done so, their flesh
must be consumed. We can present ourselves as a free will offering by presenting our bodies
as a living sacrifice unto God, or we will be cast into the lake of fire as the mandatory
offering. In either case, the fire cannot burn forever. Once the fires of God have purified
everything, the fires must go out.
Having observed from the Scriptures that unquenchable fire is not eternal fire, can we
not rightly conclude that the phrase "where their worm dieth not" is also speaking of a
temporal work? Worms consume flesh even as fire consumes that which is combustible.
What will happen when there is no more flesh to consume? The answer is obvious. There
must be an end to this work as well.
Everyone who is impure and vile in the eyes of Yahweh must experience the fire.