Page 75 - Foundations
P. 75

Partridge in the Wilderness

               Do you at times feel like a partridge that is mercilessly hunted, driven into wilderness places? Have
               you been driven away from home and hearth and kin? Do you find that even those who claim to be
               servants of God hold you in reproach and derision? Does your life appear as insignificant as that of
               a flea? Has Satan pursued you without cause, seeking your hurt? Then take comfort in this: Even as
               Yahweh preserved David’s life in many years of wilderness wanderings, so too will He preserve the
               lives of those who commit themselves to walking with Him in righteousness. Yahweh’s eyes are
               always upon His suffering servants. He sustains them, and permits the adversary to do no more than
               that which will result in their good in the end.

               The hour will come when Satan will meet his doom, even as King Saul fell on Mount Gilboa. Then
               the faithful servants of Yahweh will be exalted. The proud and mighty will be abased, and the humble
               of the earth will be exalted. What a glorious day that will be. There is wisdom in all of Yahweh’s

               I will close this post by repeating a verse I cited at the beginning of this chapter.

               I Corinthians 2:6-8
               Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age, nor of
               the rulers of this age, who are passing away; but we speak God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden
               wisdom, which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers
               of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of

               “The rulers of this age” is a reference to both the human and angelic rulers. Did not Christ tell the
               Roman governor Pilate that Satan had the greater guilt for crucifying Him? These fallen angelic rulers
               are certainly included among those whom the apostle declared to be “passing away.” Their days are
               numbered. Their time is short. The lake of fire awaits them.

               Let us not err in believing as some do that the fallen angels, and Satan himself, do not continue to this
               hour as rulers that bear an anointing from God. Though they abuse the anointing, and prove unfaithful
               in the governance allotted to them, they do rule nonetheless. At the appointed time Yahweh will
               execute His judgment upon all rule and authority. Those who have embraced evil will pass away, and
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