Page 331 - Foundations
P. 331

James 1:14-15
               But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has
               conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.

               The Scriptures reveal that Satan’s initial sin began with the eyes. He was beguiled with his own
               beauty and magnificence. As his eye remained upon his own glorious image, pride and conceit found
               place in his heart, ultimately leading to willful rebellion.

               Ezekiel 28:17
               “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your

               The apostle Paul admonished Timothy not to appoint a new convert to a position of leadership among
               the body of Christ “lest he become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil”
               (I Timothy 3:6). Satan became conceited by setting his eyes upon his own beauty. Is there not a
               perfect synchronicity between Satan’s fall and the angels who were enticed by the beauty of women?
               Both entered into sin by setting their eyes upon that which was beautiful while giving place to selfish

               It is no sin to look at a woman and acknowledge that she is beautiful anymore than it would have been
               a sin for Satan to recognize that Yahweh had created him to be a beautiful being. The sin was in
               setting one’s attention on that which was beautiful, allowing the imagination to suggest selfish
               actions that  were contrary  to  the will  of  God.  Rather than taking  every  thought  captive to  the
               obedience of Christ, Satan gave his mind over to entertain conceited and prideful thoughts regarding
               his own magnificence. Similarly, the fallen angels who beheld the beauty of women did not arrest
               their desires. They continued to gaze with desire at the women until lust had enticed them, conceived,
               and gave birth to sin. They went after flesh that Yahweh had not created for the angels. Woman was
               created for man. It was a gross violation of the order of Yahweh’s creation for angels to take wives
               to themselves from the daughters of men.

               I believe we need look no further than what is declared in Genesis 6:2 to understand the motive for
               these angels’ transgression. We need not imagine that they were attempting to corrupt the genetics
               of humanity so the promised Deliverer could not come forth. The angels were tempted by lust as they
               observed the beauty of women. Compare the following two verses side by side.

               Genesis 3:6
               When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that
               the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate...

               Genesis 6:2
               The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves,
               whomever they chose.

               The woman saw the forbidden fruit was attractive, and she ate. The sons of God saw that the
               daughters of men were beautiful, and they took wives. Cause and effect. Temptation and sin. This is
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