Page 234 - Foundations
P. 234

•       In Old English the zodiac was twelf tacna "the twelve signs."
               •       In Middle English it was Our Ladye's Waye and the Girdle of the Sky.
               •       The Greeks also referred to it as kuklos, meaning “circle.”
               •       As mentioned previously, in Latin it was Orbis Signiferus, or Circulus Signifer, meaning “the
                       sign bearing circle.”
               •       The ancient Egyptians referred to the zodiac as “the watchers of Horus.” An interesting
                       argument is made that this phrase was synonymous with “the watchers of the Hours.” The
                       argument is that our English word “hours” is derived from “Horus.” The Online Etymology
                       Dictionary traces our English word back through Latin and Greek, and in these languages the
                       word was “hora,” which does bear a distinct resemblance to “Horus.” In Roman times the “h”
                       was pronounced, and not silent as it is in our modern “hour.” The suggestion is that the
                       Greeks received the word “hora” from the Egyptian “the watchers of Horus/Hours.”

               I would mention that there is another Hebrew word that is similar to the roots suggested by Rolleston
               and William Banks. This is the Hebrew word pronounced as “sode.” The following is a screen shot
               from Strong’s Concordance.

               (Note - “consel” in the last line of the image above should read “counsel.”)

               This Hebrew word denotes close and intimate communication between parties. It is rendered into
               English as “secret” and “counsel.” Following are four occurrences of this word in Scripture.

               Job 15:8
               Hast thou heard the secret (sode) of God? and dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself?

               Psalms 25:14
               The secret (sode) of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

               Psalms 64:2
               Hide me from the secret counsel (sode) of the wicked...

               Amos 3:7
               Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret (sode) unto his servants the prophets.

               Since the constellations pour forth the secrets of the heavens, and display the counsel of God, it seems
               possible that this word could be the underlying root for zodiac. The constellations were appointed by
               Yahweh to disclose hidden things to mankind. Through means of the stars Yahweh is showing forth
               His privy counsel to His servants, to those who fear Him.

               I have set forth numerous possibilities for the origins of the word zodiac. The uncertainty is largely
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