Page 156 - Evidence of Things Unseen
P. 156

Rom 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
                       compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

                            There will be no mistaking who is LORD, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND
                       ALL THAT IS THEREIN. You will stretch forth your hand in faith and I will do
                       creative miracles. Yea limbs will grow where there were only  stumps, eyes will
                       appear in empty eye sockets. There will be no mistaking that I, THE LORD GOD
                       JEHOVAH, IS GOD!
                            The miracles will not be for you Beloved, in that day, but that the world will know
                       who I AM. Kings will bow down to Me in that day I will reveal My power through
                       you. My name will no longer be mocked. My people be ye Holy even as I AM Holy!
                       My name will no longer be mocked, the world will see who I AM.
                            So now you see Beloved, why it is just a little longer, a little more refining and I

                       1Pe 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that
                       perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and
                       glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

                       Phi 1:11 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto
                       the glory and praise of God.

                       Eph 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
                       [End Quote]

                     It is for such a people that I have been led to pray for over ten years. The Spirit is
               testifying that such a people will be seen soon. At this moment He is doing a further refining
               work. He is seeking to teach us patience, longsuffering and fortitude. I can easily see how
               the  present  trials  being  encountered  in  my  family  are  designed  to  produce  these
               characteristics. Because I have discerned God’s hand in this matter, I am encouraged to
               endure with patience, and to look with hope for that glory which is soon to be revealed. I
               am enabled to praise and worship God in the midst of tests.
                     I am still praying for healing, and I am praying for God’s provision to be manifest on
               behalf of my family, for God has told us to ask. His words says:

                       Philippians 4:6
                       Be  anxious  for  nothing,  but  in  everything  by  prayer  and  supplication  with
                       thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

                     This book is not yet finished, for my story is not yet concluded. I look to great things
               to come in just a short time. If you have learned anything in this book, I hope you have
               noted how important it is to discern the presence of God in our lives. God is not absent in
               the lives of any of His children, though many live as if He is nowhere around. Only when we
               discern His presence can we respond appropriately to the circumstances of our lives. We
               must consciously choose to live by faith and not by sight.
                     The life of faith is not some mystical experience reserved for a few. It is to be the
               portion of all God’s children. We enter into this life of faith one moment, and one act of
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