The Mark of the Beast
Many Christians have already received its imprint!
Is it an implanted chip in your right hand? Is it a national ID card? A tattoo? What exactly is the
number 666? It’s all spelled out clearly in The Bible. All who have ears to hear and eyes to see can
come to know its significance in their hearts. Understanding what it is you are trying to avoid will
help you overcome the flesh and be led to victory over the beast. Let the saints be preserved and
strengthened by the truth.
Revelation is a book of symbols rife with meaning. This is why many preachers try to avoid the murky
waters of its difficult passages. However, God did not give us this book so it would be, for a large
part, ignored. He wants us to understand the spiritual message waiting to be unlocked by the Spirit
of truth within you. If you have ever wondered what the beast of Revelation is, what the many waters
upon which it sits represents, what the 10 horns, 7 heads and the dragon are pointing to, this book is
for you.
These pages address such topic as:
• What the symbols in Revelation mean
• The harlot, or whore that rides the beast
• Ecumenism and syncretism in the church today
• The flood of deception that sweeps the whole world
• The great falling away ie; apostasy before the second coming
• Prophetic types, signs and parables representing God’s message to us
• The wrath of Satan and the judgments of God upon man
• His promise to those who do not receive the mark of the beast
• The ensignia, or engraving upon the forehead
• The character of a godly person
• Made in the “image” of God - The parable of the 6th day of creation
• The fallen beast nature
• The mark of Cain
• The second Adam