Page 95 - Yahwehs Book
P. 95

leads men and women to conclusions that he does not support.

               David Stern is not the only person to make such alterations to the Scriptures. I have found that those
               who hold to the belief that Christians are bound to the Law of Moses are particularly predisposed
               to playing very loose and free with the words of the apostle Paul. Recently a brother in Christ asked
               my opinion about the Hebraic Roots Bible.

               I use the term “cult” very guardedly when referring to religious groups, for the word carries much
               stigma with it. Yet, the word seems befitting the group that produced this Bible translation. On their
               Q&A page, some of their aberrant beliefs are revealed. Following are two entries that are very

               73. In this spiritual wilderness time period we are in how do we literally identify the real Laodicean
               members in YHWHs congregation?

               Clearly, we are in the Laodicean era of the end time congregation. Laodicean means ruled by the
               people. We see this attitude permeated in society with social uprisings over the last 3 to 4 years and
               we also see it in the congregation with many false brethren forsaking elders and leadership. The
               Laodicean claims he is “rich and made himself rich and is in need of nothing.” These Laodiceans
               think they have the proper doctrine even though it is false and heresy, and they are blinded to the
               truth by their pride. The bible states in Mathew 7 “you will  know  them  by their fruits.” The
               laodicean is bearing no fruit for Yahweh’s kingdom. Anyone denying the ordained elderhood set
               up by Yahweh and Yahshua and bringing their own heresies and will not repent but are held up
               in pride clearly are displaying a Laodicean attitude in which scripture tells us to leave such a one
               and mark him before the congregation (Ro 16:17).

               These words reveal that this group believe there is a recognized “elderhood set up by Yahweh and
               Yahshua.” Of course, the leaders of this group believe they are that “elderhood.” This becomes all
               the more troubling in light of the following entry on the Q&A page.
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