Page 93 - Yahwehs Book
P. 93

perceiving the human factor in producing a Bible version in the English language, the ignorant are
               highly susceptible to being led astray. At the very least, those who fail to recognize the human factor
               in Bible translation will suffer from a lack of care in maintaining a critical eye that seeks to discern
               between the thought of the Bible’s original authors and the errors introduced by copyists and

               Not all Bible bias is the result of good-hearted men failing to comprehend the original intent of the
               Scriptures. Some men have manifested less integrity in their labors. There are intentional deceivers,
               and there are men who in their pride believe they can improve upon the message of prophets,
               evangelists  and  apostles.  I  have  encountered  some  truly  egregious  examples  of  men  making
               wholesale alterations to the Scriptures in order to make them conform to their particular doctrinal
               beliefs. A recent example of this is observed in the Complete Jewish Bible, a translation produced
               by David Stern and published in 1989.

               The description for this book states, “The only English translation that expresses the Bible's original
               and essential Jewishness from Genesis to Revelation. It reconnects Christians to their Jewish roots
               and Jews to their Messiah.” Such a statement sounds well and good, but along with the “essential
               Jewishness”  that  David  Stern  emphasizes  in  this  translation,  he  also  interjects  his  belief  that
               Christians are subject to the Law of Moses. As I previously mentioned, this writing series cannot
               properly address the subject of the Law. I encourage all who have an interest in the purpose, scope,
               and duration of the Law to read the book Laying Down the Law.

               David Stern admits in the introductory material at the front of his Bible version that he has made
               alterations to Paul’s writings to make them more sensible and clear to Christians who are often
               confused when they read the apostle’s words relating to the Law of Moses. What David Stern
               characterizes as confusion are Paul’s many statements that affirm that the Law was given to mankind
               for a limited duration “until” the promised seed should come that Yahweh promised to Abraham,
               that seed being Yahshua. Paul in many of his writings, and with numerous arguments, testifies that
               the Law no longer has jurisdiction over those who are “in Christ.” Paul makes some very plain
               statements in this matter, such as the following.
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