Page 90 - Yahwehs Book
P. 90

said that it was difficult, but not impossible, for a rich man to enter into heaven.

               Matthew 19:25-26
               And when the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, "Then who can be saved?"
               And looking upon them Yahshua said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things
               are possible."

               If we try to  envision  a camel going  through  the eye  of a sewing needle, the image  is  one of
               impossibility. Yet, when the eye of the needle is defined according to a more ancient understanding,
               the matter becomes comprehensible.

                In the days of Christ cities were surrounded by walls for protection against invading enemies. Gates
               were set in the walls to allow people and materials to come and go. These gates were closed at night
               and in times of danger, but it was still necessary to allow a limited flow of people in and out.
               Therefore, built into the large gates was a small door which could be opened to let a man in or out.
               This small door was called “the eye of the needle.”

               Camels at the time were used for transport of goods. They would be piled high with merchandise and
               goods to be traded. If a man came to the gates after they had been closed and needed to enter, it was
               possible to go through and take his camel along, but it was very difficult. The master of the camel
               would have to take all the merchandise off of the camel, and the camel would have to go through the
               gate on his knees.

               This is a picture of how a rich man must enter the kingdom of heaven. Getting on one’s knees speaks
               of humility, and removing all the goods from the camel’s back speaks of the necessity of Christians
               being unburdened from their possessions.

               Matthew 19:21-22
               Yahshua said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor,
               and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when the young man heard this
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