Page 82 - Yahwehs Book
P. 82

Romans 6:14
               For sin shall not [any longer] exert dominion over you, since now you are not under Law [as slaves],
               but under grace [as subjects of God's favor and mercy].

               The words “as slaves” which are found in brackets are not found in the Greek text of the New
               Testament. These are explanatory words of the editors intended to amplify the meaning of the
               passage. These explanatory words can, and often do, change the entire meaning of a passage. They
               can also limit a reader to perceiving only one narrow understanding of a Scripture, rather than
               opening their spirit to multiple shades of meaning.

               In Romans 6:14 the apostle Paul is stating without any equivocation that Christians are “not under
               Law.” He does not mean to state that they are still under Law, but not under Law as slaves. Because
               of the added words “as slaves,” some would understand this verse to mean that Paul is stating that
               Christians are not bound to a slavish subservience to the Law, but they still remain under the Law.
               The addition of various explanatory words placed in The Amplified Bible can lead the reader to
               erroneous conclusions.

               * The subject of the Law, its role and duration, is an important one, but it is beyond the scope of this
               book to address it. I would refer any interested readers to the book Laying Down the Law.

               Some of the bracketed and parenthetical comments found in The Amplified Bible are truly helpful,
               but they must all be tested carefully. Whenever men begin to expound upon the meaning of the Bible
               there is the possibility of error.

               What I wish to convey is that whereas I find certain editorial and translation policies of individual
               Bible versions to be excellent, I have not found any Bible version to be free of error, or editorial bias.
               I believe there is value in studying from multiple translations of the Bible. I am not seeking to
               endorse any single Bible version as an exceptional resource to be studied exclusively.)

               It now seems a good point for me to interject that although I find that dynamically equivalent
               translations degrade the overall value of the Bible by rendering void much of the divine information
               contained therein, I still believe this class of Bibles can be of benefit in certain situations. They may
               be helpful to a new believer, or to a child, who is at the elementary levels of spiritual or scholastic
               learning. They may also be of use to more advanced students of the Scriptures who wish to compare
               various translations to glean from different perspectives on the meaning of Bible passages. Dynamic
               equivalency Bible translations should not be relied upon exclusively, however, nor for too long, for
               to do so will hinder the apprehension of divine truth.

               If you are beginning to perceive that there are a large number of problems in every English Bible
               existent today, and that none of them approach perfection, then this series is achieving one of its
               purposes. I desire that Christians would understand that even as the church is leavened with error,
               deception, and that which is false, yet the Holy Spirit is present to lead a remnant of God’s people
               to spiritual maturity, so too the failings of our English Bible translations can be overcome as we look
               to the Spirit of Christ as our tutor. Yahshua stated:
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