Page 75 - Yahwehs Book
P. 75

The Necessity of a Literal Translation

               The extent to which the Bible contains spiritual parables has been little understood by Christians.
               This is true today even of seminary trained Bible scholars, and experts in the ancient Greek and
               Hebrew  languages,  men  and  women  who  are  frequently  employed  in  the  work  of  Scripture
               translation. Because these individuals do not discern the multiple layers of revelation contained in
               the  Scriptures,  they  do  not  perceive the  damage  they  are  doing  when  they  paraphrase. When
               translators choose what they refer to as a “functionally equivalent” word or phrase, rather than being
               faithful to bring forth an “essentially literal” translation of the original Bible manuscript, they are
               stripping vast amounts of divine information from the text, information whose presence they have
               little suspected.

               This matter is best expressed by use of an illustration. I have previously shared that Joshua, the man
               chosen by Yahweh to lead the Israelites into the land of their inheritance, is a type of the Son of God
               who bore the same name. Even as Joshua lead the Israelites into Canaan to take possession of their
               physical inheritance, the Son of God who bore the same name leads the saints to Zion to take
               possession of their spiritual inheritance. In the book Christ in You - The Hope of Glory, I have
               looked at a specific account from the life of Joshua, demonstrating that the details provided were
               chosen carefully by Yahweh to reveal a profound spiritual parable. Most Christians have been taught
               to only read such accounts as a narrative story of the history of God’s dealings with man. Readers
               may derive a moral application from the historic accounts of the Bible, but they seldom perceive that
               the passages contain veiled truths waiting to be discovered by those who are given spiritual insight.

               Following is a partial excerpt from the aforementioned book in which I have demonstrated that every
               detail of the account of the crossing of the Jordan River is filled with divine revelation.
               As Joshua (a type of Yahshua) led the people of God into their inheritance at the crossing
               of the Jordan River, we are given clear types of the first resurrection from the dead. The
               Promised Land serves as a type of the inheritance of the saints in Christ, which is their
               resurrected state in glory. Even as the Jordan had to be crossed, we have to cross over from
               death into life. Observe now the symbolism of this crossing.
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