Page 73 - Yahwehs Book
P. 73

own flesh..." So they pulled him up and lifted Joseph out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites
               for twenty shekels of silver.

               Matthew 26:14-15
               Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests, and said, "What are you
               willing to give me to deliver Him up to you?" And they weighed out to him thirty pieces of silver.

               One of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament was Elijah. In the King James Bible, his name is
               written in two different ways.

               I Kings 17:22
               And the Lord heard the voice of Elijah...

               Matthew 11:14
               And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.

               We observed earlier that the name of Joshua is in one place in the KJV Bible rendered as Jose. More
               confusing still, the name of Joseph is rendered as Joses. It gets worse yet, for the prophet Jeremiah
               has his name rendered three different ways in the KJV Bible. He is referred to as Jeremiah, Jeremias,
               and Jeremy. This is horrible confusion.

               As a minister appointed by Christ to serve as a teacher to His body, my desire is to make plain the
               truths found in Scripture. Sadly, the translators of most English Bibles have not followed policies
               that serve the same end. On the contrary, they have obscured the truth by following arbitrary and
               inconsistent naming conventions.

               There are some lesser known English translations of the Scriptures that follow consistent naming
               conventions. One of these Bibles is called The Scriptures. It is published by the Institute for Scripture
               Research, a ministry in South Africa. There are certain translation policies of The Scriptures that I
               do not like, but I do appreciate the fact that they have chosen to render the names of Hebrew men
               and women consistently in both the Old and New Testaments. Some of these names require an
               adjustment for Bible readers who are  accustomed to reading popular English Bibles, but they
               preserve the link between individuals who bore the same name. Following are some examples of
               these names in The Scriptures.

               Ya’aqob for Jacob
               Yehudah for Judah and Jude and Judas
               Mosheh for Moses
               Shemu’el for Samuel
               Yeshayahu for Isaiah
               Yirmeyahu for Jeremiah
               Yehezqel for Ezekiel
               Obadyah for Obadiah
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