Page 64 - Yahwehs Book
P. 64

have  dissociated  these  words  from  that  which  preceded  them.  I  have  heard  many  spurious
               explanations of these words. The most common understanding seems to be that some to whom
               Christ was speaking would not experience a physical death until they saw His return in power and
               glory. Yet, all of those who heard Christ speak these words died and the Lord has not returned yet.
               This conundrum has led to many tortured explanations of how the words of Christ might have been

               Some have suggested that these words of Christ were fulfilled when Peter, James, and John saw
               Christ appear in shining raiment during His transfiguration on the mount. They have been aided in
               arriving  at  such  an  interpretation  because  the  very  next  words  of  Mark’s  gospel  relate  the
               transfiguration experience. Yet, Christ’s transfiguration was not a fulfillment of His kingdom coming
               with power. The kingdom of this world has not yet become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ.

               Others have suggested that perhaps these words of Christ were fulfilled at His resurrection, but once
               more we are met with the reality that the resurrection of Yahshua is not the same thing as His
               kingdom coming in with power. Some have even suggested that among those who heard Christ’s
               words there were some who did not die a natural death, that they were possibly taken up into heaven
               like Elijah. We have no testimony of this occurring, however.

               Some years ago a sister in Christ wrote to me and informed me of an online forum established by
               non-Christians that used this verse as evidence that the Bible was false, and Christianity a false
               religion. The forum hosts declared that since Christ spoke these words, and all those who heard His
               words died, and His kingdom has not yet been established, that Christ proclaimed error and was a
               false prophet. The sister did not know how to answer these charges.

               Sadly, this misapprehension of the Scriptures is largely due to an arbitrary chapter and verse division.
               Christ’s words can only be understood in light of what He said immediately before He uttered His
               statement in Mark 9:1.

               Mark 8:34-9:1
               And He summoned the multitude with His disciples, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to come
               after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save
               his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's shall save it. For what
               does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? For what shall a man give in
               exchange for his soul?... And He was saying to them, "Truly I say to you, there are some of those
               who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come
               with power."

               Yahshua defines the death He is speaking about beginning with verse 34 of chapter 8. It is death to
               the soul of which He is speaking. This is the death that is figured by a man taking up the cross of
               Christ, the cross being an instrument of death. Repeatedly throughout the Gospels Christ speaks of
               the necessity of a man dying to the passions and desires of his soul. Christ declared that those who
               seek to save their life (psuche - soul) will lose it, but those who lose their life (psuche - soul) will
               save it. We must die to our own will and desires and accept the will of God for our lives if we are
               to enter into aionian life in Christ.
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