Page 57 - Yahwehs Book
P. 57

Chapter and Verse

               Psalm 117  - Middle Chapter of the Bible

               I have observed that Christians are often provoked at the suggestion that their Bible contains errors.
               These same Christians are seldom offended to hear it said that there exists errors and false doctrines
               among the people who comprise the body of Christ. Most will heartily agree that Christians are
               subject to many fallacies, false beliefs, and sinful behavior. It is quite easy to see the error in
               someone else’s church, though Christians often fail to discern the pervasiveness of error in their own.

               If Yahweh’s Holy Spirit indwells man, yet Christian men are leavened with sin and error, then it
               follows logically that the Bible which has been delivered to these same frail and faulty men to be
               safe-guarded, copied, translated, and interpreted to others, also contains leaven among the pure wheat
               of the Word of God. Men have not done such a stellar job in purifying themselves that they might
               be pure channels for the Spirit of Christ to flow through, nor have they done a very good job of
               preserving the original purity of the Scriptures as they were first delivered to holy men of old.

               It must be stated, however, that as sinful men pose no threat to the ultimate triumph of Christ and
               His elect, so too a Bible that has been corrupted through years of human tampering presents no
               insurmountable obstacle to faith or the apprehension of truth. A sister in Christ, having read the
               previous chapter, wrote to me and declared that she felt that her faith was being upset by what was
               shared about the profuse and profound errors throughout the Scriptures. I believe her reaction is not
               uncommon. Many feel that their faith would be threatened if they cannot declare with confidence
               that the Bible they read is inerrant.

               Fearing that faith is threatened by a flawed Biblical text today reveals a misunderstanding of the vital
               and central role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian. Many Christians have substituted the
               Bible for the role of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is not up to the task. A Christian’s faith, walk, and
               spiritual understanding are firmly rooted and grounded in the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit
               in their life. Consider the following words of Yahshua.

               John 16:7-13
               “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper
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