Page 24 - Yahwehs Book
P. 24

The Manuscripts of the Bible

               Dead Sea Scrolls - Isaiah Scroll

               The followers of Yahshua owe a great debt to the Hebrew people. The Bible exists because Yahweh
               inspired Hebrew men to record His words for mankind. Although the Bible has One primary Author,
               that being the Spirit of God, it has numerous human authors. We are told in the Scriptures that
               Yahweh’s Spirit inspired holy men of old to record His words. These men were all Jews. The apostle
               Paul affirms this in his epistle to the Romans.

               Romans 3:1-2
               Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision? Great in every respect.
               First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.

               The word “oracle” may be unfamiliar to modern believers. In the day in which Paul wrote, the word
               “oracle” was well understood. Temples were built for the various Greek and Roman deities, serving
               as centers of worship for these pagan gods and goddesses. It was common to appoint an individual
               at these temples to hold a sacred role as the spokesperson, or mouthpiece, of the deity. People would
               come from far and wide to inquire of these individuals. They were even sought out by the rulers of
               nations who hoped to receive counsel from the gods. These temple servants who spoke for the deity
               were referred to as “oracles.” Somewhat confusingly, the words they spoke were also referred to as

               Yahweh has appointed oracles to speak His words as well. We recognize these individuals today
               more readily as “prophets.” Moses is declared to be a prophet. He is also said to have been entrusted
               with the oracles of God.

               Acts 7:37-38
               “This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel, 'God shall raise up for you a prophet like me from
               your brethren.' This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness together with the angel
               who was speaking to him on Mount Sinai, and who was with our fathers; and he received living
               oracles to pass on to you.”

               The manner in which Yahweh moved upon these men to proclaim His words is aptly defined by the
               word “inspiration.” The apostle Paul attests to the Bible being written through means of men being
               inspired by the Spirit of God.
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