Page 127 - Yahwehs Book
P. 127

an altar, from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.

               Note how the apostle compares doctrines to food. He then states that the altar of divine truth is
               restricted. “Those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat” from this altar. This is a parable,
               for the tabernacle is a symbol for man’s body.

               I Corinthians 6:19
               Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit...

               Those who “serve the tabernacle” are those who serve the flesh. If you would dine on the truths of
               Yahweh’s kingdom, if you would be a partaker of His holy things, you must crucify the flesh with
               its passions and desires. You must accept the invitation of Christ and follow in His steps.

               The pride of man would entertain the thought that anyone can be a possessor of divine truth. It is
               nothing more than humanism to believe that all one needs is a Bible, some tools and some training,
               and they can plumb the depths of the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Yahweh’s kingdom does not
               function along such lines. Yahweh grants wisdom and understanding to whom He pleases, and He
               withholds the same from those He has determined should not have access to His divine mysteries.

               If you love truth you will show your love by your willingness to suffer for it. If you are faithful with
               the little you have been given, Yahweh will give you more.
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