Page 122 - Yahwehs Book
P. 122

Unlocking the Bible

               Divine truth is exceedingly precious. In the same way that man places his treasures under lock and
               key, so does Yahweh. The treasures of the kingdom of God are not carnal things like silver, gold,
               and precious gems. In the treasury of heaven are hidden divine mysteries and the knowledge of the
               Holy One. Yahweh does not permit anyone to stroll into His treasure house and freely take what they
               will. The entrance into the storehouse of wisdom, knowledge, and divine secrets is a guarded one.

               Having read the previous two chapters, it would be a mistake to conclude that all that is needed to
               obtain spiritual wisdom and the understanding of divine mysteries are the Scriptures and various
               tools to aid in their study. If that were true, Bible Colleges and Seminaries would be able to offer a
               money-back guarantee that all students who pass through their doors will leave possessing the great
               truths, and divine treasures, of the kingdom of God. The evidence proves such a thought to be a lie.
               There is great apostasy among the institutions of Biblical learning. Men who spend years learning
               about  Biblical  exegesis  (critical  explanation)  and  Scriptural  hermeneutics  (the  science  of
               interpretation) often come away doubting even the divinity of Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection
               of the Son of God from the dead, and other seminal truths of the faith. How can this be?

               Yahweh has linked together obedience to His will and access to His storehouse of truth. Just as there
               are laws that govern nature, such as the law of gravity, there are inviolable laws in the kingdom of
               God. One of these laws is expressed in the following words of the Messiah.

               Luke 8:18
               "So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever
               does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."

               If God has given you truth and you have obeyed the truth, conforming your life to the light you have
               received, Yahweh will grant you access to more truth. However, if you have disobeyed the truth then
               further truth will be withheld from you. In fact, those who are hearers, but not doers, of the word of
               God will find that even that which they once possessed will be taken from them.

               Have you ever observed the life of a carnal believer who is living an unholy life, justifying his/her
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