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a press release on this offering.

               BibleWorks 9 on Tablet Computer

               BibleWorks 9 Exegetical Software Offers Breakthrough Resources
               NORFOLK,Va June 28 - Bible students, teachers, pastors and scholars are in for a treat with the
               launch of BibleWorks 9. It introduced one of the most comprehensive resources for studying the
               original texts of the Greek New Testament -- the BibleWorks Manuscript Project.

               The first installment of the BibleWorks Manuscript  Project contains new e-transcriptions and
               complete image sets of seven of the most widely studied Greek New Testament manuscripts --
               Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Bezae, Washingtonianus, Boernerianus and GA1141. The
               images of these ancient copies of the New Testament are also hot-linked -- allowing users to quickly
               find specific verses -- giving unprecedented access to the early text. The morphological tagging of
               manuscripts is an ongoing project and updates will be provided to users as they become available.

               BibleWorks  9  also  includes  several  important  Greek e-texts  and  revisions  –  all  enhanced for
               computer  analysis.  They  include  the  Robinson-Pierpont  Byzantine  text  with  Robinson  2010
               morphology; Westcott-Hort with diacritics, variant readings and morphology; Scriveners with
               diacritics, variant readings and morphology, Trinitarian Bible Society Greek New Testament, and
               the Tregelles New Testament. With a click of the mouse button, BibleWorks users can quickly
               highlight differences between Greek texts in the main window.

               “BibleWorks 9 takes a giant leap forward in terms of opening up the world of textual variants and
               text criticism,” said Dr. David deSilva, the Trustees' Distinguished Professor of New Testament and
               Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary. “Even more exciting, the transcribed texts of the major
               uncial  witnesses  can  be  selected  as  display  versions.  I  can  read  the  critical  text,  Sinaiticus,
               Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, and others side-by-side, such that the historic witnesses come alive as real
               texts, and not just as symbols at the bottom of the page of the print edition of the critical text.”

               BibleWorks has also added the exhaustive New Testament Critical Apparatus from the Center for
               New TestamentTextual Studies (CNTTS). In BibleWorks, when studying any New Testament Greek
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