Page 117 - Yahwehs Book
P. 117

               an indefinite period (Ephesians 2:7 Ephesians 3:5,21; Colossians 1:26)...
               (Easton's Bible Dictionary)

               A  period  of  time  characterized  by  a  certain  stage  of  development  of  God's  grand  scheme  of
               redemption (aion) (Ephesians 2:7; 3:5).
               (Fausset's Bible Dictionary)

               we have the plural as the translation of aion, properly "duration," "the course or flow of time," "an
               age or period of the world..."
               (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia)

               An era or specified period of time during which certain related events come to pass. As used in the
               New Testament, age generally refers to the present era, as opposed to the future age. According to
               the apostle Paul, Satan is "the god of this age" (2 Corinthians 4:4). But the age to come will belong
               to Jesus Christ and His rule of justice and righteousness (Hebrews 6:5).
               (Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary)

               Although one of the common features of Bible study software are the commentaries, and PC Study
               Bible comes with a number of them, I rarely refer to them in the course of my research. In general
               I have not found them helpful. They rarely contain deeper spiritual insights into the word, and are
               far more likely to contain personal opinion and denominational bias than some of the other Bible
               study tools.

               Maps, and photographs of places and objects named in the Bible are a common feature of many
               Bible study programs. Additionally, one may find a large number of other features that vary from
               one software suite to another. A final tool I will make mention of that has been of great help to me
               is The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Whenever I have a verse from the Bible pulled up, I can
               click on the link for The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and I will be shown a list of phrases from
               the verse along with numerous references to other Bible passages that are related in topic. This
               provides a quick method to find other passages of Scripture on a specific subject.

               Although I use PC Study Bible as my software of choice, it is not necessarily the best program
               available. Other programs may be more suitable to an individual depending on their specific needs
               and their budget. Two highly regarded programs are Accordance, which was originally developed
               for the Apple Macintosh, and Bibleworks which was developed for Microsoft operating systems.
               Accordance has recently come out with a native version of their software that runs on Windows, and
               BibleWorks can be run on Macintosh computers by using an emulator. Both are reportedly excellent
               products offering full-featured suites that are priced around $350 dollars. The price will be higher
               or lower depending upon which level of the product one chooses.

               One of the recent additions to BibleWorks 9 is their BibleWorks Manuscript Project. Following is
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