Page 113 - Yahwehs Book
P. 113

My own study of the Scriptures took a leap forward when I acquired my first copy of the program
               PC Study Bible from Biblesoft back in the 1990s. I continue to use this program, having upgraded
               it when each new version has come out (the current version is PC Study Bible 5). Not only did this
               computer based Bible software make it much easier for me to locate passages of Scripture by
               searching on a word or two, to find passages on a specific topic, and to access Strong’s Greek and
               Hebrew definitions more easily, but it brought to me study resources I did not previously possess.

               One of the tools that has most transformed my personal study of the Scriptures is the Interlinear
               Bible on computer. Now, when I am studying a passage of Scripture, I can quickly switch to the
               Interlinear view and see what Hebrew and Greek words correspond to the English text.

               PC Study Bible 5 with Interlinear Bible Pane Opened

               In the screen shot above I have opened the Interlinear Bible to display the Scripture from Daniel 12:4
               that is cited at the beginning of this post. You will note that the English text is displayed. Underneath
               each  English  word  is  the  Strong’s  Concordance  number.  Below  the  Strong’s  number  is  a
               transliteration of the Hebrew or Greek word into English. With this view opened, I can click on any
               of the Strong’s numbers and the entry for that word will be opened in another pane.

               Also, by right clicking any of the Strong’s numbers, a pop-up menu appears that provides me with
               a number of other tools. Among the most useful of these tools, and the one I use most often in my
               studies, is the Englishman’s Concordance Search. By choosing this option I can see a list of every
               place in the Bible where a specific Hebrew or Greek word occurs. This is a valuable tool, for it
               permits me to see whether the word in question has other shades of meaning, and whether the Bible
               translators rendered it consistently into English.
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