Page 58 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 58
of demons. Paul even compares the saints focusing on elementary doctrines to the
drinking of milk (I Corinthians 3:2, Hebrews 5:12). However, the milk this man
drank was full of poison. The result was that death began to spread throughout his
body, beginning at the extremities, but at the last it would have spread to his vital
organs. A grey pallor of death was seen in his extremities as the blood was drained
from them. This is symbolic of the fruit of this particular doctrine that he had
embraced and was teaching to others. Instructing saints to keep the Law does not
produce life, but rather it brings forth spiritual death. If left to run its course, the
entire body of Christ would experience death from partaking of this doctrine.
Happily, this man was able to receive treatment that stemmed the spread of death
in his body, and which allowed his body to return back to a state of health. I truly
hope that this brother will also be returned to complete spiritual health and that he
will discern the voice of the Spirit in this matter. To this date I have not heard that
he has changed any of his teachings. Such is the mercy and patience of God toward
His children.
The experience of encountering this man was given to me according to the Father’s
purposes. The Father wanted me to overcome this snare and to instruct others to
overcome it as well. The saints who come out of Babylon are often repulsed by the
flesh and carnality and lawlessness they have seen in Babylon. The lawlessness of
Babylon is not the result of failing to keep the Law of Moses, for many of the
churches of Babylon focus much on the Law, particularly the so-called holiness
churches. The lawlessness of Babylon actually arises from a failure to submit to the
Lordship of Yahshua. The Babylonian churches are not Spirit led, they are led by the
soul of man. Their activities, thoughts, and judgments originate in the mind, will and
emotions of man.
Lawlessness is not avoided by returning to the Law of an Old Covenant. It is
accomplished by submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit, walking in the Spirit,
living by the Spirit. Life in the Spirit is a characteristic of all of the citizens of Zion.
It is my prayer that you may avoid drinking from the deadly poison of this snare that
has brought death to many of the saints of God who have been called to Zion.