Page 54 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 54

law, which is merely the outward husk of type and shadow, but he keeps
                       the spirit of the law which is the inward law of the spirit of life in Christ
                       Jesus. This results in the living expression of the nature and character
                       of God in all things, not a keeping of external rules and regulations
                       which give only the appearance of godliness. Thus the righteousness
                       of the law, and not its external forms, are fulfilled in them who walk not
                       after the flesh but after the spirit. The answer to creation's deteriorating
                       state is not to preach the keeping of the law; the answer lies in the living
                       out  of  Christ,  and  in  Him  alone.  When  Christ  comes  to  dwell  in
                       individuals, they will then keep Father's Kingdom laws of life within,
                       and  the  whole  creation  will  be  preserved,  touched,  affected,  and
                       transformed. And unless He lives within  individuals, it is a useless
                       waste of time to urge them to keep God's laws...

                       The outward law of God is given to reveal to us the nature of God
                       Himself. I will use one illustration from the Ten Commandments to
                       make the point. When God says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," He
                       is not simply trying to prevent us from enjoying the lusts of our flesh.
                       He is telling us something about Himself — how He is. The only eternal,
                       unchangeable, immutable, invariable, unalterable, firm, fixed, sound,
                       solid, balanced, dependable, reliable, steady, steadfast, ethical, moral
                       and totally trustworthy thing in the whole universe is — GOD! "Thou
                       shalt  not  commit  adultery"  —  it  means  that  GOD  HIMSELF  is
                       committed, reliable,  true, dependable,  faithful  and  trustworthy. He
                       keeps His commitments. He keeps His covenant. He honors His word.
                       He is faithful in all His involvements. He will not cheat on you, lie to
                       you, deceive you, betray you, forsake you or fail you. He loves you and
                       will take care of you, cherish you, nurture you, protect you, and cleave
                       to you. He does not "chase skirts," He will not abandon you for greener
                       grass on the other side of the fence. He is not adulterous, with a roving
                       eye and a lying, cheating heart. He is love. He is good, He is faithful. He
                       is persevering, and His nature is constant, abiding and unchanging.
                       THAT IS HOW HE IS! When you understand the nature of one who is
                       not adulterous in thought, desire or action, you understand something
                       about the character of God. And that is how He wants us. His sons, to
                       be! His law reveals His nature.

               Yes, Yahweh’s Law reveals His nature. But men simply want to turn His Law into rules
               of conduct to establish their own righteousness. Have you been conformed to the
               image of God if you abstain from committing adultery, but you lust after many women
               in your heart? Have you been conformed to the image of God if you stop short of
               committing adultery, but you lack faithfulness in your dealings with others, and the
               bottom line in your decisions is what best benefits you? Has keeping the Law in this
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