Page 50 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 50

If we could find a man like that and place him in the jails and prisons
                       of earth, among men who knew they were guilty of crime, and make
                       them believe that he had the power not only to pardon, but to take the
                       criminality out of their natures, with all the shame of their sin, and put
                       them back in the place of honor they occupied before they committed
                       crime, I tell you, he would be the most popular man, not only among the
                       prison administrators and guards, but among the prisoners as well!
                       They would be willing to build him a monument, giving him all the
                       glory they could. Such a man would have a monument that would touch
                       the stars. Jesus Christ is that Man. That is what Jesus Christ has done
                       by  making  Himself  King  by  His  sacrificial  love.  He  has  gained  for
                       Himself  the  glory  not  only  of  removing  guilt,  but  of  removing
                       defilement and uncleanness from every one who will trust Him. He is
                       the Saviour of all men, and in due time shall win all hearts and purify
                       all lives. That, my friend, is the power and glory of the Kingdom of God!

                       The  Kingdom  of  God  is  the  rule  and  reign  of  God  over  all.  The
                       foundation of this Kingdom is in the human heart. The world has not
                       yet witnessed anything like the total and absolute government of God,
                       except  in  the  life  of  Jesus.  But  there  has  been  an  increase  of  His
                       Kingdom from generation to generation and from age to age. A new
                       order is now coming forth in the earth! The hour of the completion of
                       the body of Christ that has been forming in the earth for the past two
                       millenniums is now at hand. The age of the reigning of Christ in and
                       through the manifested sons of God is now ready to be revealed. The
                       reign of Christ in our lives is being confirmed as Father changes us,
                       renews  our  minds,  increases  our  vision,  strengthens  our  faith,  and
                       transforms  our  natures.  When  He  removed  all  the  old  religious
                       traditions and doctrines and ideas that were not of Him, our Father was
                       preparing us for the pure and holy and righteous reign of God in us and
                       through us. In this new Day the love of God and the power of God shall
                       prevail. The elect of God who are beholding the face of the Lord and
                       being  changed  into  His  likeness  are  the  highest  expression  of  the
                       Kingdom of God in the earth. To them shall be given the Kingdom and
                       the  Dominion  over  all  things  that  they  may  reign  in  love,  mercy,
                       goodness,  power  and  righteousness,  not  forcing  men  to  obey,  but
                       imparting to all men the transforming grace of God in the power and
                       demonstration of the Holy Ghost without measure...

                       We still have those among us who thunder the letter of the law from
                       Sinai's mount—but all such will change their tune if ever they stand
                       with the Lamb of God at Calvary's hill, for there they find God removing
                       His law from the external tables of stone to write them upon the fleshy
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