Page 47 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 47

knew in Christ. This is a very hideous snare, and not to be underestimated. If the
               early apostles could stumble in this point, if the entire Galatian church could be
               troubled by the presence of the Judaisers in their midst, then we can be assured that
               the message of those who would place the saints under the Law has much appeal and
               many convincing arguments.

               The problem with an external Law is that it excites the flesh of man, for sin dwells
               in the flesh.

                       Romans 7:7-11
                       I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would
                       not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, "You shall not
                       covet.”  But  sin,  taking  opportunity  through  the  commandment,
                       produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is
                       dead. I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment
                       came, sin became alive and I died; and this commandment, which was
                       to result in life, proved to result in death for me; for sin, taking an
                       opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it
                       killed me.

               The Law excites the flesh to try and conform to the righteous requirements of the
               Law, but as Paul confessed in another place, the very things we do not want to do, we
               find  ourselves  doing.  Man  cannot  be  guided  by  an  external  Law.  Man  must  be
               transformed inwardly, and He must constantly allow the life of Christ within to
               manifest itself in conformity to the revealed will of God.

               The  Overcomer who  stretches out  his  hand  to  begin  keeping  the  Law  becomes
               ensnared in a futile exercise of the flesh. He will become bogged down in disputes
               and wranglings over the application of the Law in daily life, and he will join himself
               to many crusades against evil that are conducted according to Babylonian principles,
               rather than the principles of the Kingdom of God.

               The Jewish religious system was well known for its lawyers. These lawyers were
               versed in the Law of Moses and they had created an abundance of writings that
               explained how the Law was to be applied in every conceivable circumstance. Many
               of their conclusions actually violated the intent of the Holy Spirit who authored the
               scriptures, and Yahshua rebuked the Jewish leaders for this evil.

               The saint who sets forth to keep the Law will be forced to become a lawyer as well.
               I saw clearly the end result of this path when the brother of whom I have been
               speaking wrote to me of an event that had just occurred in the life of his family.

               This family had a golden retriever that had been a family pet for many years and it
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