Page 17 - The Road from Babylon to Zion
P. 17

as well as that which they consider good. Zion is to live out the words of Paul:

                       Galatians 2:20
                       "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ
                       lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the
                       Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.”

               Babylon seeks to perform godly works through human industry and effort. Babylon
               asks the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” and then it tries to perform that action in
               the power of sinful flesh. Zion, however, sees self as crucified with Christ and Christ
               now living in and through them. As one brother has stated, Zion says, “Watch What
               Jesus Does!”

               We have seen that Judah and Jerusalem were given over to Babylonian captivity until
               the land could receive its seventy sabbaths that it had been denied. The issue of rest is
               the most critical distinction between these two cities. By faith in the work of Messiah
               Zion enters into rest. Due to unbelief Babylon endures ceaseless striving and fails to
               enter into the sabbath rest of God. Babylon’s works are birthed in the mind, will, and
               emotions of man. Many of these works appear noble and some are even supernatural
               in nature. But due to the corrupted source from which they arise all such works are
               rejected by God. Many of the works of Babylon are in direct opposition to Zion and her

               Yahshua said the day would come when people would kill His disciples and think
               they were doing God a favor. Such is the end result of the polluted well that Babylon
               drinks  from.  In  the  name  of  God  and  His  Christ  millions  of  saints  have  been
               martyred in the past 2,000 years. This is the work of Babylon. What a shock is in
               store for these who will stand before Yahshua and say, “Did we not kill the infidels
               and heretics in Your name?” He will reply, “When you did it to the least of these My
               brethren, you did it unto Me.”

               Perhaps now you can see more clearly why Zion and Babylon cannot be identified
               merely by external measurements. Tares and wheat look much alike until they bear
               fruit. I know some would like to have a rule of thumb to be able to tell Babylon apart
               from Zion. Such rules are hard to come by, but one indicator I will give. Zion is a
               people of faith, while Babylon walks by sight and reason.

               Example after example could be given of personal encounters I have experienced
               with ministers and churches who would not walk by faith. When the test comes then
               hearts are exposed.

               Yahweh will press His people forward into realms of faith without exception. We are
               told that “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). The people of
               Zion will go forward in faith “not loving their lives unto the death” while Babylon will
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