Page 98 - The Remnant Bride
P. 98

to our pursuit of Christ, we have lost much of our savor. The world sees the church pursuing

               the same things she lusts after. The obvious conclusion is that Yahshua the Messiah alone
               must not satisfy.

                     Our  Heavenly  Father  is  determined  to  bring  purity  forth  where  there  has  been
               mixture. One way to refine and test the hearts of those whom God has called to bear His

               name is to remove the things to which they cling. Judgment is coming upon the whole
               world, but before God can judge the world, He must judge His children.

                       I Peter 4:17

                       For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with
                       us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

                     We are told that in the last days God will shake all things that can be shaken (Hebrews

               12:26). All of the idols which men cling to will be tested. The stock market, 401K plans,
               bank accounts, the economy of our nation, the healthcare system, government, and all else

               that we trust for comfort, security, and safety, will be shaken. Only that which cannot be

               shaken will stand.
                     The world, along with those Christians who are clinging to houses built upon the sand,
               will be devastated. We are told that the day will come when men’s hearts will fail them for

               fear (Luke 21:26). Fear will grip the hearts of those who have trusted in the false gods of this

               world. Only those who have learned to lean upon their beloved Lord will be unmoved by the
               devastation around them.
                     Yahshua compared the last days before His return to a time of labor when a woman

               is about to give birth (Matthew 24:8). The world will be shaken by the coming contractions

               and the contractions will become more and more frequent even as they increase in their
               intensity. These contractions will follow on the heels of one another until the world is

               reeling from them.
                     Only when the idols of the world are cast down will many perceive that Christ is the

               only thing which cannot be shaken. He is our strong tower. He is our refuge and strength.
               He alone is worth pursuing.

                     During  this  period  when  it  will  appear  that  chaos  reigns,  those  who  have  made
               themselves ready will shine forth brightly before all the Earth. When men’s hearts are
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