Page 96 - The Remnant Bride
P. 96

read how God punished the priests who entered into the idolatry of the people by banning

               them from His presence. In contrast, God is telling this family who has refused the idolatry
               and way of life of those around them, that they will always have a man to stand before Him.

               What an awesome promise.
                     This same promise remains for all those of God’s children who will similarly choose

               the pursuit of Him over the pursuit of the world. By having our backs permanently turned
               toward the world, we are able to proceed into the temple, into the presence of God. As the

               Bride embraces the cross, dying  to  the  world and its allure, she advances toward the
               promised place of habitation with God.

                     This is the joy of the Bride, to hear the Father say, “You will stand before Me, always.”
               We are called to be a peculiar people. We are the people of God’s own possession and He

               becomes our possession, our inheritance. In this, the prayer of Yahshua is fulfilled, that we
               would be one (John 17). Christ is in God and we are in Christ. We are one with each other.

                     A call is going out to the saints of God today. Wake up Church! Wake up to that which
               is being offered to you! Wake up to that which you are in peril of forfeiting! Friendship with

               the world is enmity with Christ (James 4:4). Flee the bondage of attachment to the world.

               Flee into the arms of your coming Bridegroom.
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