Page 78 - The Remnant Bride
P. 78

Although Jesse had neglected to invite David, he now becomes the most important

               member. All others must wait until David is located and brought before them. This wait was
               probably fairly lengthy. The sheep would not necessarily have been kept close at hand.

               Someone had to run and locate David and then return with him to the meeting.
                     Samuel informed Jesse and all the city elders that they would not sit down until David

               had arrived. This indicates that a dinner was being given, symbolic of the wedding feast of
               Christ and His Bride. The wedding feast cannot be held, the guests cannot be seated, until

               the Bride arrives. The one who was overlooked has become the focus of the event to the
               consternation of those who had misjudged things.

                     I am sure that Jesse must have been somewhat embarrassed. Desiring to make a good
               impression upon Samuel and the city elders, he was now causing them to wait due to his

               decision to not invite his youngest son. Even so, when Christ returns for His Bride, those
               in charge of God’s house, the church, will be surprised that the treasure Christ seeks has

               been lightly esteemed in their sight.
                     When David arrived, his appearance is described.

                       I Samuel 16:12
                       So  he  sent  and  brought  him  in.  Now  he  was  ruddy,  with  beautiful  eyes  and  a
                       handsome appearance.

                     David’s image is one of loveliness. His skin has a beautiful, ruddy appearance and his
               eyes are striking. Even so, when the Bride is revealed, she will appear beautiful to all those
               who behold her.

                     I have heard a number of people mistakenly interpret the word “ruddy”” to mean

               “runty.” This does not do justice to the Bride of Christ, nor to David. The word ruddy means
               reddish in appearance. It is speaking of someone who has a beautiful complexion. In the

               Song of Solomon the term is used to describe beauty.

                       Song of Solomon 5:10
                       My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.

                     David typifies the Bride in many ways. His beauty, his heart after God, his great
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