Page 60 - The Remnant Bride
P. 60

and bondage while receiving a free pass to heaven. He called them to walk in righteousness,

               to be transformed and conformed to the image of the One who saved them. He called them
               to fellowship and intimacy with Himself.

                     As we have read, the Bride consists of those who have received white robes and have
               kept them clean. The Bridegroom will come back for His Bride as a thief in the night and

               steal her away. Many of those who fail to make themselves ready will be caught off guard.
               They will be left behind. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. They will have a

               second opportunity to wash their robes, but it will come at great price.
                     Embracing the cross requires faith in God. Faith is the opposite of fear. Those who are

               walking in fear are not walking in faith. Those who are walking in faith have faced their
               fears and overcome them. It required faith for the children of Israel to take possession of

               their inheritance.
                     When Israel came out of bondage in Egypt she had to cross the Red Sea. God was

               gracious and He manifested His provision for them before asking them to cross the waters.
               Moses stretched forth his rod and only after the sea parted did all Israel cross on dry

               ground. However, when Joshua took the people through the Jordan River to enter their

               inheritance, God required that they make the first move, demonstrating faith.

                       Joshua 3:13

                       "And it shall come about when the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark

                       of Yahweh, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters
                       of the Jordan shall be cut off, and the waters which are flowing down from above
                       shall stand in one heap."

                       As we go in to take possession of our inheritance God will require faith from us. We
               cannot say, “Show me your provision first, then I will follow you.” God requires that we

               constantly step out into that which we do not see. Only then will He manifest His provision.
               Only then will He take us into our promised inheritance.

                       To overcome the fears involved in a walk of faith, we must have a tremendous source
               of courage to draw from. The source of this wellspring of courage is love. ““Perfect love casts

               out all fear” I John 4:18. The apostle Paul said that the love of Christ constrained him,
               holding him to the course (II Corinthians 5:14). We will need to draw upon this same
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