Page 58 - The Remnant Bride
P. 58

better. He said that He would be their inheritance (Deuteronomy 18:2). All Christians are

               priests before God and are called a kingdom of priests (Revelation 1:6). Our inheritance is
               therefore a priestly inheritance. We can say with David, “Yahweh is the portion of my

               inheritance and my cup.”
                     This should excite the faithful saint of God. We have not been given an inheritance

               that is perishable, rather we have been given an everlasting heritage. The best of the best
               has been granted to us. Not only are we offered the best of creation, God’s most holy things,

               but the Creator Himself is our portion.
                     The Israelites were promised a special land flowing with milk and honey. They sent

               spies in to look over the land and they brought back some of the produce of the land.

                       Numbers 13:23-24
                       Then they came to the valley of Eshcol and from there cut down a branch with a

                       single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole between two men, with some
                       of the pomegranates and the figs. That place was called the valley of Eshcol, because

                       of the cluster which the sons of Israel cut down from there.

                     This land of promise was so fruitful that it took two men to carry a single cluster of
               grapes. It so amazed the men that they named the valley in honor of their find. However,

               because of the obstacles to be overcome to take possession of the land, only two of the

               twelve spies were desirous of going in. This percentage is indicative of the number who
               arrive at the Outer Court of the tabernacle and remain there, compared to the number who
               are willing to press forward to possess all that is offered them.

                     Like Israel, many Christians are freed from the heavy burden they were under. Even

               as the Israelites were freed from the oppression and slavery of the Egyptians, Christians are
               freed from their slavery to sin. This deliverance only takes them to the wilderness, however.

               The land of promise still lies ahead. There are obstacles and enemies in the way. It requires
               courage and faith in God to proceed.

                     Israel decided that she didn’t want to face her fears. Instead she longed to go back to
               Egypt, signifying going back to the world (Exodus 14:3). Even though there was bondage

               in Egypt, it seemed better than risking life and limb to obtain the prize God held out to
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