Page 57 - The Remnant Bride
P. 57

The Joy Set Before Us

               W     hat is it that could convince a person to turn his back on all that the world has to offer?
                     What is it that could keep one steadfast in pursuit of a heavenly goal in the face of the

               most severe opposition and oppression? What is it that could cause a man to accept with
               satisfaction that he may never receive reward in this life, while he faithfully looks for reward

               in the next life?
                     We find an answer in the life of martyred missionary, Jim Elliot. He was a young,

               gifted man with talent and potential. The world was ripe and ready for his taking, but Jim
               Elliot turned his back on the world in his pursuit of Christ. He committed to spend his life

               to advance the kingdom of God among remote tribal peoples. An incredulous world did not
               understand. His answer to the world’s criticism was, “He is no fool who gives what he

               cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot had an eternal perspective and
               he had glimpsed that which awaited him.

                     King David was also a man with an eternal perspective. Although he had a whole
               kingdom, with all it had to offer, he was focused on a greater possession.

                       Psalms 16:5-6

                       Yahweh is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You do support my lot. The
                       lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me.

                     David, in a beautiful and dramatic poetic form, drew a comparison of his inheritance

               in God to the inheritance of those who entered the promised land under the leadership of
               Joshua. When Israel took possession of their promised inheritance, the land was surveyed

               and divided into portions. The lot was then cast to determine which tribe would receive each

                     David is stating that when the time came for the lot to be thrown to determine his
               inheritance that God was with him, supporting him. The survey lines that marked his

               inheritance fell along pleasant places. He received a beautiful heritage, his inheritance being

                     David chose the inheritance of a priest. The priestly tribe of Levi did not receive an
               inheritance of land along with the other tribes. Instead, God gave them something much
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