Page 46 - The Remnant Bride
P. 46


                     This passage reveals that not all Christians will have access to all of God’s possessions.

               This is a privilege reserved for those who are faithful. What is it that will be withheld? It is
               God’s most holy things and God’s very presence. When Yahshua spoke of the faithful

               servant, "Truly I say to you, that he will put him in charge of all his possessions,” He was
               speaking of a great honor being bestowed upon him, an honor that not all would share.

                     Many Christians today have taken no thought to such things. Having obtained freely
               the remission of sins, they have become content and live much as the world does, pursuing

               the same idols of materialism, security, and comfort that the unbelieving masses pursue.
               It is but a remnant of the church that is actually pursuing God. It is but a few who are

               anxiously and passionately awaiting the return of the Son of God, keeping their robes
               unstained from the world.

                     God’s standards have not changed for His church. Those who think they can pursue
               the same idols that the world chases after and still be given access to the most holy things

               of God are mistaken. Service in the presence of God will also be withheld from them. They

               will not be accounted as worthy to be a part of the Bride of Christ.
                     We are priests before God just as certainly as the Levites who were referred to in
               Ezekiel. The same standard of holiness required of them is required of us.

                       I Peter 2:5
                       You  also,  as  living  stones,  are  being  built  up  as  a  spiritual  house  for  a  holy

                     Not all things are equal for all Christians. The remission of sins is God’s free gift, but
               there is much beyond this. Many Christians stand in peril of suffering great loss, loss of that

               which they did not even know existed and was being offered to them. The church must wake
               up or experience devastation. Access to the very presence of God is at stake.
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