Page 43 - The Remnant Bride
P. 43


                     We see in the pattern of the tabernacle that access to the presence of God is not given

               in the same measure to all individuals. Holiness and preparation were required to go deeper
               into God’s presence. The number of people who met the requirements for access dropped

               precipitously at each level.
                     In this temple of living stones that God is fashioning, we see three separate areas. This

               corresponds to three groups of Christians. Your access to the Father and to His most holy
               things is determined by what group you belong to. Your discernment of what is righteous

               and what is profane, and your diligence to walk in a manner that is worthy of the Lord are
               keys to further entrance into the holiest portions of the temple of God. Those who attain to

               the Most Holy Place are the Bride of Christ. For them there is no veil of separation.
                     Look again at the following verse:

                       I Peter 2:5

                       You  also,  as  living  stones,  are  being  built  up  as  a  spiritual  house  for  a  holy

                       priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Yahshua the

                     In this verse we are told that as Christians, we are members of a holy priesthood.

               However, even among the priests of Israel we know that not all priests were accorded equal
               honor. Some walked worthily and some did not. God made a distinction among them, even
               as He has among those who are called the church. The things of the Old Covenant are very

               relevant as types and shadows for us who are of the New Covenant.

                       I Corinthians 10:11

                       Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our
                       instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.

                     In the book of Ezekiel we are told of God making a distinction among the priests of the

               tribe of Levi. The passage is prophetic, speaking of service in a future temple, a temple of
               living stones. Access to the most holy things and to God Himself was determined by how
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