Page 41 - The Remnant Bride
P. 41

that Yahshua has chosen a special remnant out from among His body to be the Bride.

                     As has been mentioned, the Bride is made up of those who have made themselves
               ready. They are pure and radiant. They are holy and blameless before God. Those who have

               soiled their garments are forbidden from being a part of the Bride.
                     In the design of the tabernacle, holiness has everything to do with access to the

               different  parts.  The  outer  court  is  the  least  restrictive  portion.  Virtually  all  of  the
               congregation  of  Israel  had access  to  the  Outer  Court.  In  the  church,  the  Outer  Court

               represents those who come to Christ for the remission of sins.
                     The next level, the Holy Place, was more restrictive. Only  priests from the tribe of Levi

               were allowed into the Holy Place. This represented a significant decrease in access from the
               Outer Court. The priests who served in the tabernacle had requirements placed upon them.

               They had to be without defect or disease to perform service in the tabernacle. We see a
               double refinement here. Only one tribe of Israel could enter and only those who were

               without blemish or defect.
                     It was not God's original intent that only one tribe should have access here. God's

               original desire was that the whole nation should be priests before Him (Exodus 19:5,6). It

               was only after Israel refused to turn from the idolatry of Egypt that Levi was chosen. This
               transfer of the priesthood from the entire nation to the tribe of Levi occurred after the
               nation sinned when Aaron made the golden calf for them to worship. Levi alone proved

               themselves willing  to pay the cost of separation unto  Yahweh after the nation sinned

               (Exodus 32:25-27).
                     God's original purpose was that the firstborn male of every household should be holy
               and dedicated unto Him as a priest. After Israel sinned in their idolatry, God substituted the

               entire tribe of Levi for the firstborn of all Israel. God had every firstborn male of Israel

               numbered by tribe. They were then ransomed and released from their dedication as a priest
               before God by having a Levite male take their place. There were more firstborn males from

               Israel than there were Levite males, so the remaining number had to be redeemed with
               money (Numbers chapter 3).

                     The double refinement of the Holy Place was therefore a refinement that weeded out
               those whose commitment to obedience was lacking and only allowed access to those who

               were dedicated to God. Furthermore, these dedicated ones had to be without disease or
               defect (Leviticus 21:17-23). This is reflective of the Bride of Christ who is to be "without spot
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