Page 22 - The Remnant Bride
P. 22

Again, the clarity of the calling of ministers is brought forth as we consider that the

               king was pining away in his heart for a bride. After Vashti was removed, it is said that the
               king forgot his anger and he began to long once more for a bride. The king’s desire for a

               bride had nothing to do with a desire to see more ministers prancing around the palace. On
               the contrary, the ministers existed because the king desired to have a bride that was suitable

               for him. The king did not wish to see the eunuch paraded around in finery, he wanted to see
               the bride adorned. The eunuch was not the focus. The bride was the focus.

                     This is certainly clear enough when it is related to kings and brides of days gone by,
               but somehow it has become muddled and confused in the present day kingdom of God. To

               look at things today, an observer would have to conclude that the ministers are the very
               most  important  thing  and  those  they  “serve”  are  of  lesser  import.  However,  this  is  a

               perversion of God’s design.
                     Like the eunuch, the minister’s role is to prepare the Bride of Christ for intimacy with

               the King. The minister is given his charge because he knows what is pleasing to the king and
               what is not. He is to communicate this understanding to the virgin Bride. He is not to flaunt

               his role, or elevate his calling in an unseemly manner. He is not to appear superior to the

               other members of the body. He is called to be a servant.
                     The  minister  is  especially  to  guard  against  any  abnormal  affection  or  attraction
               between himself and the Bride of Christ. He is to be as an eunuch in regard to the Bride. He

               is not to seek fulfillment through attracting the Bride’s affection to himself. He is to direct

               all of the Bride’s passion toward Yahshua the Messiah. To fail in this in the least way is to
               place oneself on dangerous ground for the Bride belongs to God and His name is Jealous
               (Exodus 34:14). Yahshua said,

                       Matthew 19:12
                       "For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; and

                       there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who
                       made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.”

                     The minister belongs to the latter group. As he fulfills his calling to the Bride of Christ,

               he is to comport himself as an eunuch. He is not to lay hands on the Bride in an unholy
               manner, nor is he to be attracted to her, or to receive her affection to himself.
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